Cloud One - File Storage Security, Conformity e Application Security

Leo Salone - Associate Sales Engineer

Joao Guimaraes - Associate Sales Engineer


  • Cloud One - File Storage Security
  • Cloud One - Application Security
  • Cloud One - Conformity
Cloud One Image

File Storage Security

What is File Storage Security?

Trend Micro Cloud One™ – File Storage Security provides anti-malware scanning on resources in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets and other cloud containers.

How it works:

  • When a user or program uploads a file to a designated S3 bucket, File Storage Security performs a scan. The scan is only performed on the added file, not on existing resources in the bucket.

How it works:

  • When the scan is complete, your custom plugins or Lambdas take the scan results and connect with your downstream workflow for further processing.

  • Files never leave your environment.

    Files of all types and sizes can be scanned.

Demo: File Storage Security Demo

Application Security

Application Security Runtime Protection Agent

  • By including Application Security in your web applications, you will receive alerts as soon as attackers begin conducting scans and attacks. Most importantly, real vulnerabilities are not exploited because of the runtime protection, and your developers will have code-level information regarding the vulnerability.

Application Security Runtime Protection Agent

  • It only takes a moment to add the agent to your application, and there is no need to change your development code.

Application Security Runtime Protection Agent

  • There are three main components that need to be configured to protect your application:
    • Security Groups: A security group is a collection of web applications and / or serverless functions sharing a common set of policies.

Application Security Runtime Protection Agent

    • Agents: Application Security agent's act as a library that is integrated with your application, without needing to modify your development code. You just need to include the Application Security agent with your application and activate it with the application keys.

Application Security Runtime Protection Agent

    • Policies: Policies are a collection of rules that protect your application from a variety of threats. The threats Application Security policies protect against are:
      • Malicious Payload
      • SQL Injection
      • Illegal File Access
      • Remote Command Execution
      • Open Redirect
      • Malicious File Upload

Application Security's key features

  • Easily embed security functionality into your running applications and serverless functions.
  • Bridge the gap between the security team and development teams by providing a tool that provides relevant information to both.

Application Security's key features

  • Get visibility into attacks targeting your application.
  • Protect against the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, OS Command injection, and more.
  • Stop zero-day vulnerabilities from being exploited.

Demo: Appliation Security Demo


What is Cloud One - Conformity

  • Real-time visibility into security, compliance, and governance vulnerabilities on public cloud infrastructure
  • Step-by-step remediation guides
  • Automated approach to security for continuous assurance


  • 600+ rules with action steps
  • Manual remediation and self healing capabilities
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts

Prevention & Automation

  • Shift security & compliance left
  • Template scanning
  • Powerful API

Demo: Conformity Demo